ESCAPE -Breaking Free From A Self-Made Prison (Exclusive Signed Copy)


“ESCAPE – Breaking Free from a Self-Made Prison” is a memoir detailing Tim Kaufman’s journey from addiction and immobility to athleticism and wellness through adopting a whole food plant-based diet and embracing gratitude. It serves as both a personal narrative and a practical guide for anyone seeking transformation, offering hope and inspiration for rewriting one’s life story. Join Tim on his remarkable journey of redemption toward a healthier, happier life.

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“ESCAPE – Breaking Free from a Self-Made Prison” is a stirring and deeply personal memoir that chronicles a remarkable journey of resilience, healing, and self-discovery. Diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome in his twenties, Tim Kaufman’s life spiraled into a vortex of painkillers, alcohol, and fast food addiction, leading him to a critical juncture at over 400 pounds, riddled with chronic diseases, and near immobility.

This book is not just a recounting of despair but a testament to the power of making small, consistent changes. Adopting a whole food plant-based diet, embracing gratitude, and finding his purpose, Tim transformed his life, evolving from an addict to an athlete competing in marathons, Ironmans, and ultramarathons.

His journey is a beacon of hope, illustrating that it’s never too late to rewrite your life story. Alongside his personal narrative, he offers invaluable advice and a practical roadmap for transformation, making this book a source of inspiration and guidance for anyone seeking to overcome their life challenges. Tim is passionate and confident that change is just a choice away for everyone, and that if he can change you can too! He lays out a simple, concise, and effective roadmap for anyone seeking to change their life regardless of their situation or circimstance.

Join him on this extraordinary journey of redemption and discover the path to a healthier, happier life.

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Weight 10 oz


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