I Thought I Had Gratitude in the Bag… I Was Wrong.
It’s weird, I had thought about it for over an hour. I was pretty sure I could get a shower with no help. In a way, it seemed like a pretty good challenge and at the very least it was occupying my time from a somewhat rough day. The first two weeks of recovery from […]
The Base of the Mountain
We pulled up to the base of the mountain and I had a very uneasy feeling. Fear, along with anxiety had set in. As the door of the Jeep slammed the feelings of fear were quickly taken over by excitement and confidence.
There is really no point to becoming healthy if…
… you don’t have a reason to stay healthy. Sometimes we can get numb to phrases we repeat over and over. I have said the phrase, “the film Forks Over Knives didn’t just save my life but it gave me a completely new one,” at least one hundred times during presentations and interviews. Even though […]
Rise and Give Thanks
A while ago I wrote a post that was about one of the dearest concepts that I hold in my heart. I couldn’t find a way to put into words how I felt so I used the analogy of stamping gratitude with my shoes as I move across the Earth. A dance of gratitude […]
Plants Didn’t Fix Everything and I’m Scared
Elhers Danlos Syndrom I don’t want to write this and I already know this may open up a discussion that I would rather not have. Maybe it’s time it gets discussed though. I have been hiding from a topic for quite a while and I tend to dodge it or say the minimum when the […]
3 “Take-Aways” From My 50 Mile Ultra-Marathon
I haven’t written a blog in forever and I don’t usually write about specific events nor do I write “race reports”. I still don’t see myself as a “real runner” whatever that means, but I run, I work hard, and I train with passion. So, who knows where this post will go? Wherever it […]
Where is this all going to end? A friend asked me that once. It seemed like such a simple question and you would think that I would have spent time considering the trajectory of the path that I was on. Maybe I didn’t want to think about it because I knew how things were escalating […]
The Mile I Never Finished.
“It was amazing that he wasn’t using a wheelchair yet, my goal was to keep him out of one until his next appointment.” That was my doctor’s goal and it had become mine as well. I would leave his office every month with more pain killers, anti-inflammatory drugs, TENS units, expensive custom braces, and whatever […]
More Fake Before and After Photos
Have you ever heard about the dash in the headstone idea? So, I don’t know who the credit goes to for this but it goes something like this. It’s not either of the years on the headstone, it’s how you used the dash in between that counts. That’s actually a pretty cool idea.
My before and after photos are a scam- sorry :(
It had been an entire year of planning and not a day went by where I hadn’t thought about it at one point or another. I had played this day out in my head for an entire year. Anticipating it to be one of the most memorable days in my life and it did not […]